As a Depository Lender, your Mortgage Loan Origination System integration to your Core Banking
Software ranks as the number one requirement for an efficient and compliant mortgage workflow.
Whether it is importing data or document from your Core System to greatly improve the initial client
mortgage experience, or automatically exporting and translating mortgage data for Funding and
Servicing of loans. A strong LOS-Core integration can dramatically change the user experience and
data integrity for your mortgage division and client.
The benefit of today’s mortgage environment is that all Mortgage systems have a robust set of API’s
to allow mortgage applications to seamlessly transfer data and documents with the click of a button,
or via a scheduled process that runs automatically behind the scenes. The challenge that is faced is
that in many instances, there are LOS variables, and Core system variables that need to be
understood by various departments that usually don’t speak Mortgage which prevent these projects
from getting off the ground.
The Ignite team is one that has both the Mortgage LOS and Core System experience to design, develop,
and implement the proper Core integration for your Mortgage, Servicing, and Accounting divisions.
Based on the projects that have been completed, we can cut a 'normal' Core integration project in
half the time and at a reduced cost, while not disturbing your teams important departments.
Ignite is a preferred partner or experienced vendor with many of the Core systems in the market
Please contact us today to discuss your Core Integration requests to see how Ignite could be of
service to you.