API Development

The mortgage industry has exploded over the past few years with hundreds of new companies that provide specified layers of technical improvements to your workflow and overall technical processes. In many cases, these systems present themselves as integrated, which can be defined in many ways.

The ability to transmit data and documents seamlessly, which we consider to be a “lights out” integration, is best provided with the proper utilization and development of API’s that are provided by the various software application companies.

The proper use of API’s is not defined by their mere existence, but serve the basis of technical architecture to determine the processes and applications that can be automated through the use of the available API’s.

The IGNITE development team is well versed in the most recent Encompass API’s and many of the industry standard offerings to integrate with Encompass and other Mortgage systems. We are fluent in the APIs, Data Translation and Conversion, XML, JSON, and many other technologies to support proper API development.

Contact us today to discuss your technical need and challenge us with coming up with a viable solution to support you and your business model.
